2013 January 22
It was a great week. We got a lot of work done. We were only
able to do limit work in two wards, but we got a lot of significant things
done. We visited a man who is convinced that he has not received an answer from
God to his prayers, he believes in the church but he has, in his opinion, not
yet received an answer. He has a very stressful time right now, eviction, warrants,
floods, and unemployment. His life is not going well but he is determined to
make it better. A young couple who’s the father is disabled, degenerative disease
in his back, and he is less active and the mother is not a member. We had a
good lesson, but they are in hard times but are looking forward to lessons. We had
a good time visiting in the ward we live in, not a ton of success but we got a
better Idea of the area, we do not have a car yet but we should get one this
week today maybe, but they gave a car to some elders who had their car in the
shop...... not sure about the situation but I have a feeling it was a crash. The members are helping us. We are using them much more now we have more
options to work with, not wanting to ask one person over and over.
My mission president asked me to make an anti truncky goal.
I decided building courage in my companion and investigators would be the most effective
and I have seen a lot of good from the focus.
I love you all lots!