Tuesday, October 23, 2012

William's October 23 Letter

2012 October 23
My week was good. We have been receiving lots of referrals, and having lots of people to follow up with. Although the last Elder here left a lot of records that need to be signed and tracking down the people to sign is hard, for some reason they seem not to be home whenever we stop by. but the work’s picking up, we are getting along very well, we had  a lot of success this past week, we did exchanges with our district leader and he got into an argument with a Baptist, over something silly, they spent an hour or so talking with him, and did not get anywhere. Sad, but we got a family we have been stopping by for the past few weeks to agree to hear the lessons, which is good.  We might get a baptism out of it and get the family active!  We had a good experience with every one we are teaching, and hope that the people we haven't started with are going to be ready. Love you lots, we made cider here, weird recipe boiled the apples, not bad. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

William's October 16 Letter

2012 October 16
My week was good, we had several referrals, and got in contact with investigators who have been harder to get a hold of.  Our investigators are doing great! They are committing to baptism, some need to get to church but all of them are doing well. We had an adventure trying to find some people; some one sent an inverted address, it was something like 345 and 1650 which both can be street (not the actual numbers) and both could be houses.  We found it and they were not home :( but it helped us get to know the area) A lot of priests are getting prepared to leave for missions, it’s crazy.  So we have plenty of people to teach.  It’s been a good area, nothing to exciting is happening. We had dinner with a priest named a Garret's family, which was fun, everyone was so happy to be together, it was a small reunion. The members here are really missionary minded for, both stake presidents are engaged with us and that has helped. We are committing to teach a family named the Loves. Oh and we’re teaching a family that just came from Italy, they’re fun. It’s been a great week, we had spiritual experiences together, Hudson's trainer didn't do everything and I have to basically train him, not literally but go over the programs and lessons he needs to learn. He is doing great and we are really good friends. It’s a great time in the service of the Lord!
Love you lots

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

William's October 9 Letter

2012 October 9
Conference was a great time; I went to all of the Saturday sessions. Spent all day in Salt Lake, interesting, we either walked around temple square or the city creek mall, for lunch and dinner. The square is very nice and spiritual, I thought Pres. Uchtdorf's talk was really good about how things may be different in some regards such as a wards being different but they are all the same in their purpose. And the talk about selling your soul for a nickel, I hope some of our investigators saw it and apply it. My week was very good. We had lessons, some cancelled we received some referrals and have been working on getting into houses. The stake president is helping us a lot, and my companion and I get along very well. He’s a funny guy. The most talked about thing down here from conference is the age requirement changes. It’s made its way to the news. It's exciting to hear about. There is a priest who turned 18 this week; he said he is filling out his papers now. And to see the reaction in the conference center was great, it set the tone for the other talks which focused on missionaries, it was good conference.
Love you all lots!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

William's October 2 Letter

2012 October 2
My week was good. My new companion is Elder Hudson. We have had a good week with lots of teaching, we had a lot of fun, we had to solve a wedding problem for the first little bit and  track down all the baptismal records that weren't turned in, that was fun, meeting as many people as possible and doing as much as I can. It is fun here in Harrisville, much bigger then Clinton and we get a car, so that is really nice. Don’t know. I may go to conference for the last time at the conference center. It is the last one on my mission and I am real close so that’s good. The apartment is a really nice basement apartment it’s like Dave and Annette’s basement full apartment and all furnished and it is bigger than the last one and much easier to keep clean. It’s really nice. Well not a whole lot else to say right now but love you all lots