2012 May 22
Well my week was good.
We did a lot of good service and
we had a lot of new investigators. I will stay in Clinton and get Elder Goodrick,
he sounds cool. Motsumai is going to Kaysville. We had a funny district meeting where some
elders trained a robin to stand on its hands, so guess who got attacked by said
robin? It was probably the funniest thing that happened this week but it was a
long week and it’s good to be able to be here to see the harvest. Elder Flake
is going to the Clinton north area so that will be fun, it’s just north of me. Elder
Garret is training and we have two with a date and a father and son who are beginning
to investigate. It is great to see how the
gospel changes lives. Well not much else
exciting is happening, love you all lots!