Thursday, April 26, 2012

William's April 24 Letter

2012 April 24
Well my week was good.  Our zone leader is going home, so we are having a party for him at 4:00 today. He is a really neat guy. We have had a lot of progress with investigators... not as much as we like but enough to keep going. It’s a walking area and we have a long way to travel on foot but I feel good.   We found a thing of coffee in the apartment, we threw it away. I thought that was funny. Our investigators are having some trouble keeping commitments, so were working on that, we may have to drop some, some are really spiritual, and some of the people we work with our less active but they’re on the way back and it is amazing to see.  Temple square is amazing!  Did you see the new city creek center just across the street? It’s a shopping strip the church built and it has a retractable roof!
Hope you guys are well, love you lots!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

William's April 10 Letter

2012 April 10
My Easter was packed we had a lot of people at church, and ridicules amounts of candy and other things, so it was good. We taught several lessons, picked up dates and I am being transferred to Clition (Clinton?). My companion will be Motsumai from South Africa, he is a cool guy. I met him while I was in Roy zone. We were really packed today so this letter isn’t detailed. I’ll do a better one next week; I might get my charger back too.

William's April 3 Letter

2012 April 3
Our week, it was great! We had Ray and Johnny, two investigators, at priesthood on the balcony, and several other RC's and investigators at all the sessions except Sunday morning. it was a stressful, fun but it all came together in the end. We had fun with a friend of Gingrich's who brought up a game he wanted us to play it was complicated but fun, he gave us a ride to conference on Saturday, after we failed to get lunch, but all in all it was great we had all our questions answered and I hope some of our investigators a less actives watched cause it blew their concern out of the water!! Well I have enjoyed bountiful a lot and the zone is great, it’s weird to think about how long I have left (I don't do it often) but when we put it in terms of transfers to figure the mission split, it seems a ridicules short time :(, but IT's going to be fun every step of the way! I loved the talks in conference especially the prophet's, he is a great man. Love you lots!